• Daxecker, Ursula and Hanne Fjelde (2022) “Electoral Violence, Partisan Identity, and Perceptions of Election Quality: A Survey Experiment in West Bengal, India” Comparative Politics,

  • Fjelde, Hanne and Hannah Smidt (2021) “Protecting the Vote? Peacekeeping Presence and the Risk of Electoral Violence.” British Journal of Political Science, First view:  

  • Fjelde, H. and  K. Höglund  (2021) ”Introducing the Deadly Electoral Conflict Dataset (DECO). Journal of Conflict Resolution. First view:

  • Fjelde, H. , C. H. Knutsen and H. Nygård “Which Institutions Matter? Re-visiting the Democratic Civil Peace”, International Studies Quarterly 65(1): 223-237

  • Buhaug, H., M. Croicu, H. Fjelde and N. Von Uexkull (2020) A conditional model of local income shock and civil conflict.  Journal of Politics. Online first:

  • Fjelde, H. (2020)  “Political party strength and electoral violence” Journal of Peace Research, Online first,

  • Brosche, J, H. Fjelde and K. Höglund (2019) ”Electoral violence and the legacy of authoritarian rule in Kenya and Zambia” Journal of Peace Research, Online first:

  • Cil, D., H. Fjelde, L. Hultman and D. Nilsson (2019) “Mapping blue helmets: Introducing the Geocoded Peacekeeping Operations (Geo-PKO) dataset” Journal of Peace Research. Online first: The dataset, codebook and forthcoming updates to the dataset can be found here:

  • Fjelde, H., L. Hultman, L. Schubiger, L-E Cederman and S. Hug “Introducing the Ethnic One-sided Violence Dataset” Conflict Management and Peace Science. Online first: The dataset and the codebook can be found here:

  • Davenport, C, Nygård, H., Fjelde, H. & Armstrong, D. (2019) “Consequences of Contention: Understanding the Aftereffects of Political Conflict and Violence” Annual Review of Political Science.  Vol. 22(2019): 361-377


  • Fjelde, H. & Höglund, K. (Eds.) (2011) Building peace, creating conflict? Conflictual dimensions of local and international peace-buildingMore information


  • Fjelde, H. & Höglund, K. (2018). “Ethnic Politics and Elite Competition: The Roots of Electoral Violence in Kenya.” In Mimmi Söderberg Kovacs; Jesper Bjarnesen (Ed..) Violence in African Elections: Between Democracy and Big Man Politics, London: Zed Books. 27-46 More information

  • Fjelde, H., Hultman, L. & Sundberg, R. (2018). “Violence against Civilians and Actor Characteristics”. In Backer D., R. Bhavnani, and P. Huth (eds) Peace and Conflict 2018. Routledge.

  • Fjelde, H., Hultman, L., Sollenberg, M. & Sundberg, R. (2017). “Spatial patterns of violence against civilians”. Eds. Backer, David A., Jonathan Wilkenfeld and Paul K. Huth. Peace and Conflict 2017. Routledge, UK

  • Fjelde, H., Hultman, L., & Sollenberg, M. (2016). Violence Against Civilians in Civil War. Eds. Backer, David A., Jonathan Wilkenfeld and Paul K. Huth. Peace and Conflict 2016. Routledge, UK.

  • Fjelde, H. & Höglund, K. (2016) “När val leder till konflikt.” I Jenny Björkman & Arne Jarrick (red.) Krig & Fred: RJ:s årsbok 2016/2017, Göteborg/Stockholm: Makadam Förlag. 59-66. More information

  • Fjelde, H. (2012). “Orsaker till krig och väpnade konflikter.” In Karin Aggestam & Kristine Höglund (Ed.) Om krig och fred: En introduktion till freds- och konfliktstudier, Lund: Studentlitteratur. 83-96 More information

  • Fjelde, H. (2012) “Transnational Dimensions of African Civil Wars and the Triple-R Framework.” I Thomas Ohlson (Ed.) From Intra-State War to Durable Peace: Conflict and Its Resolution in Africa after the Cold War. Dordrecht: Republic of Letters Publishing. More information

  • Fjelde, H. & Höglund, K. (2011) Building Peace, Creating Conflict?.I Hanne Fjelde and Kristine Höglund (red.) Building Peace, Creating Conflict?: Conflictual Dimensions of Local and International Peacebuilding, Lund: Nordic Academic Press. 11-24 More information

  • Hegre, H. & Fjelde, H. (2010) “Post-Conflict Democracy and Conflict Recurrence.” In J. Joseph Hewitt, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, and Ted Robert Gurr (Ed.) Peace and Conflict 2010, London: Paradigm Publishers. 79-90 More information